2023 Reunion – National Conservation Training Center

The 21st FWS Retiree’s reunion was held at NCTC November 27-30, 2023. Click here the view the program and here to see the list of participants. It started with the Greenwalt Walk for Wildlife along NCTC trails visiting historical points of interest and viewing local flora. The walk raised $300 for the work of the Friends of NCTC. Monday night Mark Madison and Maureen “Mo” Daugherty hosted a wildlife trivia night at the NCTC lounge which saw high levels of participation.
The program opened with a welcome from Chair Cindy Barry followed by updates from Association board members. NCTC Director Steve Chase welcomed the group and provided an interesting summary of changes in the Service’s training program over the years. Dan Murphy from the Chesapeake Bay Field Office and Joe McCauley, FWS Retiree who works for the Chesapeake Conservancy gave a program on the Southern Maryland Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge Land Protection Plan highlighting the incredible partnership opportunities to preserve important habitat in this area so close to the nation’s capital.
Mark Madison and staff provided attendees a tour of the NCTC campus and facilities including the new location of the archives and library. Tuesday evening, a memorial bench was dedicated to Association co-founder and stalwart Jerry Grover. His wife Judy, sister PolliAnne. his eldest son Jeff and family (George, Nicole and Marina) attended.
Wednesday, most attendees took one of two field trips either visiting The Freshwater Institute and Antietam National Battlefield or the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute. That evening, attendees joined the Service Directorate, family members, and others at a moving tribute to former FWS Assistant Director for Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Hannibal Bolton. After dinner, the International Fly-Fishing Film Festival was by former Service Director John Turner. One of the films, Father Nature, was filmed at the Turner’s ranch by his film maker son, Mark.
The last morning was devoted to celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act. Former Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary Don Barry and Former DOI Solicitor Mike Young regaled the group with tales of the early days of the ESA. Then former FWS Director Turner, former FWS Director Jamie Rappaport Clark, and former FWS Deputy Director Marshall Jones recounted experiences with implementing the Act and their take on its future. The afternoon session focused on practical information for retirees on frauds and scams presented by AARP and federal retiree benefits and legislation by NARFE.
The closing banquet in the NCTC dining hall hosted by Cindy Barry. Mark Madison presented the History Award posthumously to John Cornely for his many years of service to the Service Heritage (now History) Committee. Libby Herland remembered John and his accomplishments. Deborah Holle shared a story of our oldest known retiree, 102-year- old Pete Anastasi, who could not attend but was with us in spirit. The banquet was also attended by members of the current Service Directorate and Deputy Directorate who were meeting at NCTC during the same week. The closing program, open to the public, was Presidential Historian Douglas Brinkley’s captivating presentation on the environmental movement generally from World War II to the early 1980s. He also signed copies of his latest book, Silent Spring Revolution.

Paul Tritaik at the Commons below our welcome sign

Hikers on the Greenwalt Walk for Wildlife. Robin West foreground

Greenwalt Walk for Wildlife

George, Nicole, Marina, Judy, and Jeff Grover

Enlargement of Jerry Grover plaque

Jerry Grover bench

FWS Historian Mark Madison displaying artifact in archives

Left to right – Steve Parry, Deborah Holle, Mark Madison, Jim Tisdale, and Jessy Jacobs during archive tour

Denise Baker, Jane Lyder, Alan Palisoul, Jeff Underwood, next to Sacred Sites Totem Pole in NCTC Commons

Black footed ferret at Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

Circular tank, Freshwater Institute

Burnside Bridge, Craig Moore photo

Black footed ferret at Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

ESA at 50 panelists – Left to right Don Barry, Mike Young, John Turner, Jamie Rappaport Clark, Marshall Jones.

Mark, Annie, John and Mary Kay Turner with historic sign.

Douglas Brinkley and Cindy Barry after he signed her copy of his new book at the reunion.

FWS Director Martha Williams greeting retirees at the banquet.
If you have photos or remembrances of this reunion, please contact us at communications2023@FWSRetirees.org