Judy Pulliam
I started my career with the Fish and Wildlife Service in December 1972 as the Administrative Technician at the newly formed Kansas City Area Office. After 4 years in that position, I transferred to the position of Administrative Officer in Sacramento, CA when the Service implemented the Area Office concept nationwide.
In 1980 I was selected Administrative Officer at the Great Lakes National Fisheries Research Center in Ann Arbor, MI. In 1990, I transferred to the FWS Regional Office in Atlanta, GA as the Assistant Regional Director, Budget and Administration. I remained in that position until I retired in 2003. I thoroughly enjoyed my 30+ years with the Service. Not only was the work enjoyable (for the most part) but the dedicated people I met along the way were amazing.
After my retirement, I became a member of the Association of Retired USFWS Employees and served as Chair of that group for one term.