Frank Cockrell
Frank Cockrell retired from Washington Office headquarters in September 2004 after 31 years as a Facilities Management Specialist in the Refuge Division and Division of Engineering.
Over the years, he had increasing responsibilities in maintenance, construction, hazardous waste compliance, ADA, and related administrative support programs. Throughout, he worked closely with RF/FH/RES field station and Regional Office staffs in program planning, budgeting and oversight in areas including Refuge Manual, Bicentennial Land Heritage Program, Accelerated Refuge Maintenance Mgmt.(ARMM), Field Station ‘Threats & Conflicts’, and the Servicewide Maintenance Management System as MMS Team Leader. He participated in field maintenance inspections and compliance team reviews at a variety of field stations and in Regional Offices. He was the Service representative on several related Department Task Forces. Frank commented that he was fortunate to have known so many skilled, dedicated Service workers and enjoys keeping up on FWS activities with ‘Retirees.’ He and his wife Elaine live in Beltsville, MD–a short distance from Patuxent Research Refuge & National W/L Visitor Center where he is an active volunteer.
Frank served on the FWS Retirees Board from 2010-2013. As a Life Member, he “strongly supports all the good conservation works of the Association”–and is glad he does not have to remember “paying membership dues every year” 🙂 ! He also commented on the continuing Retirees’ efforts to be an effective voice for fish and wildlife resource management priorities.